Market Activity ~ Dec 18-24, 2023

Well, as we come right up on the end of the year, things are still moving right along for those of us involved in the life-changing activities of real estate! Yes, a little slowed down last week, but we have 2 homes entering the market, 4 moving into Pending status and 4 that Sold/Closed! Right now there are 106 properties available in Lake Oswego ranging from $250,000 to 2 at $11,500,000. I’m posting pics of those two on the high end below. Under that you’ll find the breakdown for last week per RMLS:

The property on the left is on Northshore Rd (.66 Ac/ 13,462SF), and the one on the right is on S Fielding Rd (2.95 Ac/ 19,444SF) on the Willamette.

NEW Dec 18-24, 2023

AddressList PriceBedsBathsSFProp Type
18017 TUALATA AVE$595,500$321124DETACHD
310 CHANDLER PL$2,895,000$43.13866DETACHD

PENDING Dec 18-24, 2023

AddressList PriceBedsBathsSFProp TypeDays
640 SOUTH SHORE BLVD$675,000$322391DETACHD85
5453 WILLOW CT$762,000$32.12446ATTACHD91
6040 LAKEVIEW BLVD$1,349,000$533701DETACHD10

SOLD Dec 18-24, 2023

AddressOpeningClosedBedsBathsSFProp TypeDays
86 KINGSGATE RD #1202$298,000$285,000$22849CONDO10
4 TOUCHSTONE #119$318,900$301,425$32.11351CONDO69
13349 HIDDEN BAY CT$1,100,000$940,000$333012DETACHD7
2248 SUMMIT CT$2,450,000$2,390,000$423024DETACHD100
Criteria: Homes in the 97034 and 97035 zip code, listed, pending or sold between the dates listed above as reported by the Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS). DETACHD refers to Single Family Detached Residence, MFG refers to manufactured housing, and ATTACHD refers to single-family residences with some portion of the structure attached to another property, but not constituting CONDO ownership. DOM stands for days on market, or the number of days from when the listing became active and when it received an acceptable offer, with CDOM standing for “cumulative days on market” accounting for “refreshed” listings (***We’ve used “Days” in each category for ease of understanding) .