
Dianne Gregoire

What is your connection to Lake Oswego?
In my family, I am the third generation to Live in Lake Oswego. My great uncle moved to the area in the 1920’s. My parents bought their first home here in the 1950’s, and I moved my family here in 1998. As a teen, I attended and graduated from Lakeridge High School.

How do you serve in the community?
I adore this community. I have lived elsewhere, but Oswego is truly home to me. I believe in giving back to the community and in my life that is reflected in my extensive involvement in Girl Scouts. I spent many years as a troop leader, neighborhood chair, and on numerous committees. I continue to volunteer with Girl Scouts, although my daughter has outgrown the program.

Why are you a Realtor?
I became a Realtor at the urging of my mother who was also a Realtor here in Lake Oswego. She got her license here in 1976. After my daughter was born I was looking for a profession with time flexibility that would allow me to be the best mom possible and yet allow me to make a good living. In 1987, with my mom’s help, I jumped in with both feet and have never regretted the decision.

What are your hobbies?
I think it’s fair to say that I have restless feet. I love to get out and go. For me, that means travel, hiking, and just being very active. I have traveled abroad several times, but I also like to camp and to hike in the Pacific Northwest. Around home I love to garden, cook, and read a good book. I am pretty committed to exercise.

What flavor of ice cream do you think you most resemble?
Definitely chocolate chip. I think I am a good listener who will help you to see multiple facets of a situation: very refreshing like the mint in the ice cream. I also think that my values are deeply based in honesty and fair dealings: like deep, rich chocolate. I think I am a little bit of fun anchored by my ethics and values.

Contact Dianne: (503) 803-6298 | email

Linda Rossi

What is your connection to Lake Oswego?
I worked for a multimedia firm in Lake Oswego years ago, and it became apparent to me that the town was such a great place to live! The proximity to my work and the option of Lake Oswego schools for my son were just a winning combination… so we moved here in 2000. This was also the time during which I became interested in real estate.

How do you serve in the community?
I have served as vice president, publicity chair, and president of the Waluga Jr High School Booster Club. I also have sung regularly at the annual Veteran’s Day memorial service at Lake Oswego’s Pioneer Cemetery. My son attends high school here, and I of course try my best to serve the real estate needs of my neighborhood.

Why are you a Realtor?
Having ridden the ups and downs of the local technology industry, first servers, then multimedia, and finally consulting, I decided it was time for me to use my skills doing something that I absolutely loved. It dawned on me one day that I was assisting friends to find homes here in Lake Oswego… and the light bulb just went off. I love people and houses… and I am very good at marketing, listening, and meeting my clients’ needs. The rest is history!

What are your hobbies?
I love traveling when I can, spending time with my family, reading, and tending to my gardens. I also am a professional vocalist and music director, so my life is very full, and I am grateful for all the opportunities that I have to express artistically, as well as help others to do the same.

Do you exercise?
I love to walk in Lake Oswego with my crazy black, standard schnauzer, Kato (think Pink Panther). Actually, this is the genesis of my love affair with houses… I’ve always enjoyed taking in the feel of a neighborhood, the designs of the houses, landscaping and people. Before you know it I haven’t even noticed that I was exercising!

Contact Linda: (503) 318 2116 | email