There are 25 distinct neighborhoods in Lake Oswego. 23 of the 25 have active neighborhood associations, including Evergreen. These are not Homeowners Associations. They don’t have rules and regulations or charge dues. Rather, they give neighbors a place to discuss the character of their community and organize as a group when issues arise.

Located South of A Avenue, West of 10th Street, North of the lake, and East of State Street, the primary feature of this neighborhood, in my opinion, is it’s easy access to restaurants, the Farmer’s Market, and downtown LO.
Housing includes condos, townhouses, detached homes and apartments. There are currently just two houses for sale. Both are new construction of about 5,000 square feet and pretty expensive: $3,600,000 and $3,825,000. There are two houses in escrow: a 1952 “fixer” for $875,000 and a lakefront house on Cabana Lane for $2,498,000. In the last 6 months 4 houses have been sold. The least expensive was fairly large house built in 1958 that sold for $864,000 and a 2022 built house that sold for $2,095,000.

Cabana Lane is one of my favorite streets in Lake Oswego. The houses are built on stilts over the water of the lake. They are very close together and have small front yards, but their back yards are, literally, the lake. Most of these houses have attached boat garages. This truly is lake living.
It’s a very walkable neighborhood with quiet streets and abundant, large trees. I personally love to take walks in the Evergreen neighborhood. I park my car at Foothills Park and then take the Curlicue Trail up into the Evergreen area. My walk includes the loop around Lakewood Bay. It’s mostly flat and just really lovely. As a bonus, I can take a break for coffee at Peets, or lunch at one of the many restaurants in the area.
To learn more about the area, here is a link to the Evergreen Neighborhood Association.
I hope you enjoyed learning about another of LO’s great neighborhoods. As always, thanks for reading the blotter.