2018 Street of Dreams

What was old is new again, that is if it’s from the 1980’s.

I had the pleasure of touring this year’s Street of Dreams this week. There are six homes in this years tour plus a tiny home that is being auctioned to help veteran’s organizations. These homes are absolutely stunning. I love the Street of Dreams because the homes are so gorgeous. I like to see the architecture, I like to see the finish details, I like to see the furnishings. It’s a window in what is popular now, but also what is coming in the year ahead.

I go through the houses looking for trends. This year the trends that caught my eye really reflect a return to things that were popular in the 80’s. Along with those 80’s repeats, here is my list of the trends I observed this year.

Wood paneling Yep, wood paneling. Nearly every home had a wall somewhere in the house with wood paneling. In one house there was even a ceiling that was finished with wood paneling. Oh my goodness, we are so going to be yanking this wood all out in about 15 years.

There is some of the most extraordinary tile in these houses. Truly beautiful. One house in particular had tile in the master shower that had at least an inch of depth variety on it’s surface. It reminded me of moving water. I loved it!

Tile with that slightly Mediterranean, unidentifiable pattern Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful, but it’s a big commitment. Sometimes with bold colors it will look good and be popular this year, but I think it will grow old fast. Wouldn’t it be easier to buy a nice rug?

Sliding barn doors Oh my goodness, so many sliding barn doors. These have been around for a few years now. I was pretty skeptical about them when I first saw them at the Street of Dreams in Lake Oswego about 8 years ago, but they are a trend that has lasted and remains popular. And, with time, I’ve grown to like them more than I did at first. There were lots and lots of them this year. Maybe even, dare I say, too many?

Stunning kitchens Kitchens are one of the prime reasons to visit the Street of Dreams and this year the kitchens do not disappoint. All of the homes have kitchens with either a big walk-n pantry, or with literally a second full kitchen just in back. These homes are designed for large entertaining. As someone who likes to throw big parties, I can totally see the usefulness of this design. You have space for cooking and entertaining at the big cooking islands and you also have a space for the food you have prepared ahead to be set out and ready to serve without being in the way. Love it!

Great outdoor spaces All of the homes have beautiful outdoor kitchens with fireplaces and outdoor furniture that makes them feel like a living room under the stars. I love this feature and want to see it in every home!

Located on “The Reserve” golf course, it is a beautiful setting. Although I will mention that the master bedroom in one house already had a broken window from what I suspect was an errant golf ball.

My last observation is about the prices. Although on one house the price was not listed, the five where the price was disclosed were all either just above or just below $2,000,000. I find myself wondering, does this location warrant $2,000,000? For $2,000,000 you can live on the main lake in Lake Oswego. You can live on a vineyard in Newberg. You can have a luxurious mansion in the West Hills. It seems a bit bold to price point at $2,000,000 in this location. We shall see. I don’t think the builders of these homes would have put out the investment in this location that they have if they felt that there is risk. I will wait and see what the market says as the sale of these homes happens.

I do encourage you to go to this year’s Street of Dreams. It makes for a very nice afternoon and who knows, it may inspire you to take on that home improvement project that you’ve been dreaming about.