“The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This year Lake Oswego is celebrating 26 years as a designated Tree City USA! This is given to cities that demonstrate a strong commitment to managing and caring for trees by the National Arbor Day Foundation. With Arbor week being April 5-11, it seem appropriate to do some bragging about the beautiful trees in Lake Oswego.
The Natural Resources Advisory Board for the city designates significant trees in the city as “Heritage Trees”. Four new trees are being given this designation this year: two sycamores at 16584 Roosevelt Avenue, a giant sequoia at 14145 Redwood Ct, and a madrone at Oswego Pioneer Cemetary on Stafford Road. That brings the total number of trees with this designation to 35.
In honor of Arbor Week, the city has got some pretty fun events planned:
Free the Trees is a concept that began in Springbrook Park. The idea is that while it is hard to clear all of the English Ivy out of the Park all at once, if it’s done gradually it gets done over time. English Ivy, left to grow unchecked, kills trees. People who take walks through the park were asked trim and remove the ivy around one tree while on their walk. It worked! If you would like to join in the effort, you can get more information by contacting Babs Hamachek at bhamachek@ci.oswego.or.us.
Stafford Grove Tree Planting & Poetry Reading. Thursday, April 9, 1:30-2:30, 1061 Sunningdale Rd. Join the Forest Hills/First Edition Neighborhood Association in planting a tree, and then listen to former Oregon Poet Laureate Paulann Peterson reading poetry.
Barnyard Tales & Heritage Tree Walk. Wednesday, April 8, 10-11am at Luscher Farm, 125 Rosemont Road. Lynne Bacon, a renowned storeyteller, will be holding a story time on the farm followed by a visit to the Heritage Trees that are located on the farm. Space is limited, so you need to register, although it is a free event. Register on line at www.loparks.org, use activity code #10646.
Blossoming Tree Craft. Saturday, April 9, 2-4pm, LO Library, 706 4th St. Make beautiful blossoming tree crafts. For all ages of tree lovers.
I personally have 4 HUGE trees in my yard, 3 firs and a glorious English walnut. They really enhance the feeling of sanctuary that I feel about my home.
-Joyce Kilmer
“I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree…….”
As always, thanks for reading the blotter,