News & Notes

thinkingA few tips from Linda:

* When pricing your home, please take all that your Realtor has shown you in the way of comps, and let yourself have some time to consider your options. There are various pricing strategies, but the most common one favored by Sellers is over-pricing. That is just a well-known fact to anyone in this business. It’s why, when a Realtor sells their own home, they usually ask for a reality-check from their peers : ) It’s natural, if you love your home, to believe it will fetch more than, perhaps, what your Realtor is telling you it will. It’s also natural, as the Seller, to be concerned about offers coming in below your “fair” price and therefore lowering that price… Much to your chagrin. I get it. I’ve sold my own homes too. BUT, I will tell you that, if you overprice your home, it will likely cost you money by:
– Sitting on the market too long, and giving the impression that “something must be wrong with this one”,
– Causing you to eventually have to lower the price anyway… probably lower than what you would have priced it at originally given these other factors, and the factor of time, and
– Keep Buyers away who are only searching in price ranges below your higher number.

* In a transaction where you are the Buyer, and “lender issues” are causing you to bump up uncomfortably close to your “on or before” closing date, your Realtor will most likely talk with you about writing up an addendum to “extend the closing date” to accommodate your lending timeline. You need to know though, that this is not a sure deal, and the Seller can say no. If your Seller says no, then you need to think seriously about terminating the transaction in writing before that date if you cannot “perform” (i.e., can’t get a loan).
If your lending issues are related to you trying to get a better rate (as in… you qualified and would have closed on time, but you decided to try for a different loan package in the middle of the transaction), and your Seller does not agree to extend the date, you need to know that you may lose your Eanest Money. The contract states that you need to be able to secure a loan, so Buyers are generally protected if they can’t… BUT, not closing on time for this reason would not be related to that provision. You could secure a loan, but chose to try for a “better” one. Many Seller’s Agents will ask to see a statement from the Underwriter in these kinds of instances to check on just this kind of sticking point.
If your loan problems are our of your hands, and you think you have good communication with the other parties, so decide not to bother creating an addendum extending the closing date (your lender could be slow, or you could really be having problems getting a loan), you could, again, potentially lose your Earnest Money, as the contract states “time is of the essence”, and in fact, that is a legal term that means that deadlines in the contract trump all other provisions. It has happened that a Buyer could not obtain a loan, had passed the closing date, and didn’t bother to get an extension addendum signed as they were still trying to make it happen & thought the Sellers were on the same page with them….. Later on, even though they really could not get funding, it was decided that the Sellers could keep the Earnest Money because there had been neither an addendum nor termination completed.

As always, Dianne and I are here for you, and would be happy to assist you in your home-buying or -selling adventure if you are not already working with another Realtor. We encourage you to listen to your Realtor. They are here to help you.
Enjoy the Oregon sunshine!