Seeing the Christmas Lights

christmas shipLet’s face it, December is dark. The sun comes up about 7:30 and sets about 4:30. That’s just 9 hours of daylight. And that’s why Christmas lights are pretty darn important to me. I know they are put up to celebrate religious traditions. But as far as I am concerned they are put up for ME. I love them and need them to get through the month of the year with the shortest daylight. My own turkey barely has a chance to go cold on the counter before I am putting up my own Christmas lights. And I push the boundary on the other end too by leaving them up past Christmas. (Yes, one year I had them up until Valentine’s, but haven’t been that extreme in quite awhile.)

So when Linda and I first designed the propertyblotter, and had to think about what links we wanted permanently attached, the Christmas Ship Parade came immediately to mind. You will see our link to the Christmas Ships year around on our left tool bar. However, I don’t want to just assume that you have used it to see what it is all about. This year I want to point it out and suggest that you load up your car with family and a thermos of hot cocoa and drive over to Foothills Park on December 19th at about 6pm. This is the evening that the parade of lighted ships are scheduled to come as far South as George Rogers Park on the Willamette River. You can view them from George Rogers Park, and also from Roehr Park, but you would probably need to get out of your car. Personally, I love to sit in the car to watch them. Just find some Christmas music on the radio and stay toasty warm. When my children were little, we commonly did this with both of them bathed and in their pajamas.

There are about 20 or so ships that are organized and captained by volunteers. They do a nightly parade of both the Willamette and the Columbia Rivers with the evening parade location changing daily. I think the only time between now and Christmas that they will be as far South as LO is the 19th. If you are willing to drive North, you will be able to find them in other locations on other evenings. For a complete schedule, click here.

And if you want to find what I consider to be the top decorated house light displays, I want to recommend driving down Edenberry Drive in Westlake. The homeowners on the street go all out. It is gorgeous. Many of the side streets are also decorated. So swing through when you get the chance.

Enjoy the season. I know that I do: especially the Christmas lights.

Ho Ho Ho, Dianne