Home Owner’s Associations 101

Oswego Summit
Oswego Summit
The Terraces
The Terraces

Home Owner’s Associations are extremely common. They occur in condominium developments, townhouse developments, and even neighborhoods of single family homes. Basicly they are a set of rules that are recorded with the title to the property and that transfer when the property is sold. So when you buy a property that has a Home Owners Association, you are not just buying the property, you are also buying membership in the HOA.

Being of a positive nature, I want to start with the good aspects of belong to a HOA (Home Owner’s Associaiotn).

HOAs are ideal for the person who wants someone else to do exterior yardwork and maintenance, who likes the ammenities that often come with the HOA, and also someone who likes the idea that they can close the door, lock it, and go away knowing that the property will be cared for while he or she is gone.

My Mother is a perfect example. She’s in her 80’s and can not physically maintain a house. But she’s still capable and independent, so not ready for assisted living. She lives in a condominium complex here in Lake Oswego. I like the idea that she has neighbors close by who know and care about her. The lady across the hall happens to also be a nurse and she has a key to my Mom’s front door. It is a great comfort to me to know that my Mom has help 6 feet across the hall.

Now the downside to HOAs.

When you buy a property that has an HOA, your home inspection should not just be for the physical dwelling, it should also include the fitness of the HOA. Condition your purchase on reveiw of the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions, reading the last 2 years notes from HOA meetings, a copy of the financil status of the HOA including review of the long-term reserve studies, a copy of the rules and regualtions, and any and all pertinent information.

The normal thought process when buying into an HOA is that you want to keep the cost down and so tend to be attracted to HOAs that have low monthly fees. This may be incorrect thinking. The HOA is likely responsible for long-term maintenance of some very expensive items such as roofs, decks, and swimming pools. If they are not collecting money to build up a savings account for these expensive items, then the HOA will have to cover these expenses with a special assessment. This is all too common!

In addition, HOAs often have expenses that a single family residence does not. Think about the parking lot through a normal condominium development. It will need to be re-paved, re-striped, and get annual snow and leaf removal.

You want to belong to an HOA with solid financial management that has performed a full study that projects for these future expenses and then collects money in the monthly HOA fees to build up the necessary reserves to meet these expenses.

If a large expense arrises that the HOA does not have money to do, those famous special assessments happen. I am aware of an HOA here in Lake Oswego that had a special assessment about 15 years ago that average $10,000 per unit. That same HOA, just last week, had a meeting of the unit owners and announced that a similar special assessment will be happening this year as well.

Be aware that there are actually insurance policies you can purchase to protect you from special assessments. I have a personal friend who owns such a policy. It costs her $10 per month for coverage up to $10,000. Seems like a good investment that is pretty cheap.

The other concern with HOAs is the possibility of lawsuit. There is a condominium complex here in Lake Oswego that was a 1950’s apartment building that was converted to condos in 2006. Since the conversion the complex has experienced extensive water problems. The HOA is now suing the developer who did the condo conversion. Banks will not lend on units in the complex until the lawsuit is settled. This means that condos can only be sold on private contract or with all cash. This severely limits the pool of capable buyers and is consequently suppressing the re-sale value for those trying to sell now.

The bottom line is that you need to know what you are doing if you want to buy a property that has an HOA. It really is the reason you should be working with a good Realtor.

Have a great day!

First Time Home Buyer? ~ What to Expect:


I was reading an article recently regarding the $8,000. tax credit for first time home buyers, and the writer expressed shock at how many people are completely unaware of it. I have noticed in my own practice recently that the larger PR machine has evidently not been doing a very good job at educating the public, as some of my clients reveal innocence on this subject as well when they discuss their leisurely plans to purchase “sometime in January of next year” etc. (the tax credit is only applicable if the home purchase is completed before December 1st of this year.) I also have heard more & more folks lately talking about attending “First Time Home Buyer Classes” presented usually by Realtors and Mortgage Brokers as a service to the public.

It seems to me that there is a real need for information out there right now. I thought I’d give a little primer below on at least the basics of what to expect during your first home-buying experience. Hope you find it helpful!

(Note: The sequence below does not apply to each and every transaction as each is individual and scenarios/time lines obviously vary. Your Realtor will be doing many more things behind the scenes than I indicate below as well, but I am sticking to outlining YOUR experience and how you can expect that to unfold… generally speaking.)

  • Retain services of a mortgage professional (lender) to give you best options for financing, and have an approval letter ready for you when you make an offer. Discuss “closing costs” with your mortgage professional, and review the “good faith estimate” that they will provide to you. (If you have a relationship with a Realtor first, ask them to recommend good resources for you.)
  • Work with your Realtor to find the home that meets your needs.
  • Work with your Realtor to determine appropriate offer & details/then write it up.
  • Realtor submits offer to Seller along with approval letter from lender and earnest money check. Note: The EM check is to show good faith, and is applied to the sale should your offer be accepted and proceed to close. Talk with your Realtor about what amount will put your best foot forward. (*Sometimes Promissory Notes may be used, and/but I highly recommend using an EM check to be taken most seriously.
  • Receive response/acceptance/counter from Seller in time frame you specified on the offer (in a normal transaction you typically ask for response within 24 hours, but if it is a “short sale”, the process of hearing back that you are indeed accepted by all parties concerned can take months.)
  • Upon mutual acceptance (usually within 1-3 days), schedule an inspection ASAP (you have 10 business days to conduct inspections & may back out if concerns arise during this time). Your Realtor will help you with this- Ask him or her for good resources to guide you through the process of inspecting the home. Prices vary, but a 2000 square foot house will often run around $400. more or less, and size as well as other factors come into play in the cost of an inspection.
  • Upon mutual acceptance, your earnest money check is sent to the Escrow Office, and held by them on your behalf until closing, or until nullification of the offer if this occurs within your inspection period.
  • Realtor writes and negotiates any Inspection Addendum items during this period according to your wishes (you will work with your Realtor to discuss and determine any give and take in the negotiation process that may occur. Your Realtor will offer you information and give professional advice, negotiating on your behalf and with your permission. You are in the driver’s seat, and you make the final decisions albeit under good counsel.
  • Upon mutual acceptance & reaching the end of your inspection period, your Realtor notifies the lender who orders the appraisal.
  • Your Realtor continues to work with the lender as the lending process moves forward. As long as the appraisal comes back at or above sale/offer price, you will proceed to closing through the underwriting process of the lender. Should the property not appraise for at least the sale amount, the lender will bring this to your attention and there will be some decisions for you to make around the sale price and your desire for the home (you are not required to pay any monies over and above the appraisal amount, and lenders will not lend more than the appraised value generally speaking.)
  • You may be requested by the underwriter to provide additional information on a case by case basis. Your Realtor will work with you and help in any way possible and appropriate to facilitate the flow of information required from you, but you are in the driver’s seat as far as responsibility to provide the necessary information to the lender.
  • When all underwriter/lender requirements have been met, the file is signed off by the underwriter, and passed to Escrow. The whole lender process usually takes around 3-4 weeks.
  • Escrow processes all paperwork, title insurance, and all distribution of funds between you and the seller as per the contract provisions agreed upon between you and the Seller. Documents are drafted, and a “signing date/time” is scheduled. (“Signing” is not the same as “Closing”.)
  • Your Realtor will often attend your signing with you to help with any questions that arise, and to offer moral support. (Frankly, I just love being a part of the exciting culmination of the home buying adventure!)
  • Escrow will then send signed documents back to the lender, and to the county. The transaction will then “close” or “fund & record” in 1-2 days after signing, at which time you will receive a call that you are a homeowner!
  • Your Realtor will usually meet you at your new home and deliver you the keys. (More fun!)
  • The whole process from offer to close usually takes around 30 days… sometimes 40-45. It can take a little longer depending on the lender, and sometimes it takes less time than that. You and your Realtor will assign a “no later than” date on your offer in conjunction with talking to the lender about their current load & closing time line. All parties are then obligated to “perform” within that time frame, or draft an addendum extending the closing date if that proves necessary and IF all parties agree to do it. (Because there always exists the possibility that one party may not agree to sign an extension addendum, and the contract specifically states “on or before” a particular date, the closing date is a binding contractual agreement and should be taken very seriously. As a buyer, your earnest money is at stake if you should not “perform” to contact terms.)

The above may be missing some pieces of the puzzle as each transaction is different, and various issues can arise during the process, but hopefully this give you a basic idea of how it will go!

~ The Dog Whisperer ~

valerie_3There is such a panoply of amenities in Lake Oswego that Dianne and I have been talking about incorporating profiles of local favorites from time to time. I thought I’d begin with a very special person who I would be lost without… my local “dog-whisperer”, Valerie Pulley.

Ever notice that periodically certain topics tend to pop up any time you turn on the television or are in conversations with different groups of people? Lately itnyree1 seems it has been the subject of pets, and dogs in particular. We all know what a Portuguese Water Dog is now, thanks to “Beau” at the White House. I know our own friend & blogging cohort, Ron Ares, wrote a post most recently about his own dog, Nyree (left), adopted by the Ares family to save her from becoming a casualty of foreclosure. I’ve seen pieces on local and national news about the amazing number of dogs that have been abandoned or taken to shelters as fallout from the current economy, and it is heartbreaking to consider.

Recently, a friend of mine who has been experiencing the stress of the economy herself, told me a story that made me race out the door, camera and notepad in hand. My friend’s dog was badly in need of grooming, being a breed that really needs some professional upkeep. It had been awhile, and though she felt horrible about it, she just didn’t have the funds to spare. We both frequent the same wonderful dog groomer, Valerie Pulley, and she told me that Valerie was so concerned about her pooch that she called & asked my friend to please just come in and consider it her gift. Valerie knew the dog needed her attention, and decided that this was the most important thing. Well… word about special people like Valerie spreads quickly in a community like Lake Oswego, and while I don’t want to encourage others to solicit favors : ) I DO want folks to know about her, and others like her, and so a few words about this exceptional person:

Valerie has been a professional dog groomer since 1994 when she completed her schooling in Phoenix. Her mother was a dog breeder, and Valerie’s plan in the beginning was simply to assist her mother. It didn’t take her long to realize that she had a special talent, and wanted to make this her career. Valerie just loves dogs, and they tend to sense it. Her ownkato1 Staffordshire Terrier, Fedore, is her pride & joy, I’ve been taking my crazy black Standard Schnauzer, Kato (right) , to Valerie for years, and she is the only one who can calm him down enough to let his toenails be clipped. Turns out others have noticed this talent as well, and dog owners from far and wide bring their “hard to handle” pets to Valerie for tender loving care. Valerie mentions that “Some dogs have been kicked out of every grooming salon in Portland for biting, scratching, and generally squirming and freaking out. They bring them to me because I am the only one they’ve found to be able to handle them.” I valerie_4ask her why she thinks this is, and she says “I’m just not afraid of them, and I care about them.” She has been working in the Lake Oswego area for around 12 years now, spending some of her career at the Lake Oswego Dog Shoppe, and now is working for Groomingdales in Tualatin on Nyberg Rd., just about five minutes from my house & a toe over the Lake Oswego borderline. A customer notices that I am interviewing Valerie and volunteers “I come here all the way from Sherwood. They’re so nice & so good I wouldn’t go anywhere else.” For my part, I’ll go anywhere Valerie is… and Kato is very grateful.

You can reach Valerie at: 503 692 WOOF (9663).

Condos, Town Homes, HOA’s, Oh My!

townhomeWhen looking for a new home and desiring easy care and potential community amenities such as pool, larger grounds, meeting space etc (without the responsibility of upkeep), most people will consider either a condo or a town home. Most also aren’t necessarily familiar with several relative factors important to the selection process, so I thought I’d highlight just a few for you here.

First of all, there is a difference between a condo and a town home ~

Let’s start with condos: A condo (condominium) is a kind of home ownership wherein the purchaser owns the air space inside the unit and joint interest in the common areas, typically the grounds, parking lot, any structures and amenities such as swimming pool, meeting rooms etc. Condo owners belong to an HOA (homeowners association) and pay dues for common expenses such as insurance and maintenance of common areas.

Townhomes are what we call “attached” homes, considered not free-standing and usually containing two or more stories. A purchaser owns the structure and the land on which it sits, and like a condo, generally joint interest in the common areas . Often with town homes you will have a small backyard or patio area which is in excess of what many condos provide, so gardeners or pet owners often find this more attractive. As in condo ownership, the town home owner typically pays monthly dues for upkeep of common areas and other amenities. It is wise to check into the insurance setup of on HOA to find out if it is supplied and therefore included in the monthly dues, or whether the town home purchaser needs to secure their own hazard insurance on the property.

Generally speaking, condos and town homes are attractive for more reasons than just low maintenance and the amenities they afford. They usually are priced well below what one would pay for a similar detached single family residence… or “house”. One thing to give attention to however, is finding out how much the HOA dues are, and what they cover. Does the HOA offer parking? water & sewer? trash collection? cable TV? Take these things into consideration and ask yourself how positively you are offset financially (or not) by being free of these normal expenses of home ownership.

Another thing to take into consideration is the solvency and efficiency of the HOA. I have listed condos and town homes and experienced neighbors in surrounding HOA’s visiting on Open House days, exploring the option of getting out of their own nearby complexes! This is reportedly due to the perception of either oppressive or mis-managed HOA’s. I’ve heard stories of frequently raised dues, extreme restrictions, and just plain inattentiveness… while the HOA next door treats its members with appreciation and service. Bottom line- check out the HOA:

  • Call & obtain copies of at least the two most recent board meeting minutes,
  • Obtain financial statements,
  • Take a look at the Bylaws and Regulations,
  • Find out how much the HOA has in reserves so you have an idea of whether they are in need of maintenance funds,
  • Talk to a few neighbors and get a feel for their level of satisfaction ,
  • Find out whether you might or might not be able to rent your unit out in the future if you so choose,
  • Ask how many units are in the complex, and how many are allowed to be rental units,
  • Does the HOA allow gardening in the back patio area?
  • Are there any restrictions that will impact your lifestyle?
  • Determine if there are any lawsuits anticipated or pending,
  • Ask whether there are any big improvement projects planned which will require capital infusion (i.e. significant dues increases).

Condos and town homes are wonderful options for home ownership, and can be a great place to start as first time buyers, as well as a fantastic way to downsize once the kids are gone. Talk to your Realtor about what makes sense for you, and be sure to get all the facts!

Mountain Park

Mountain Park is a 700 acre planned community on the East side of Lake Oswego. Itmt-park-rec-center.jpg was the vision of Carl Halvorson (the man who Halvorson Island, the only private island in Oswego Lake, is named after). Developed in 1968, it is built on a dormant volcano, Mt. Sylvania. The population of Mt. Park fluctuates between 8,000 and 8.500 people meaning that just about 1 in 5 people who live in Lake Oswego live in Mt. Park. It also means that the Mountain Park Home Owner’s Association is one of the largest HOAs in the United States.

Households in Mt. Park include single family residences, townhouses, condominiums, and apartments. Every residence pays a semiannual fee. The fee averages about $400 per year and is used to maintain Mt. Parks extensive common areas. These include 185 acres of trails (15 miles worth!), parks, pathways, 3 tennis courts, and the recreation center.

The recreation center is a gorgeous facility with 2 weight rooms, a basketball court, steam and sauna, a massage therapy center, and community rooms that are available for hosting banquets and receptions. The recreation center offers a variety of classes that are free to members of the Home Owner’s Association: mind/body and traditional fitness classes, and water exercise classes (which are taught at the pool at Lake Oswego High School). There are also youth and adult activities such as game night, Kids Nite Out, Mah Jongg, and seasonal events.

The HOA publishes a neighborhood newsletter called “Parkways and Medley” where you can find out about classes and the current neighborhood events.

mt-park-street.jpgBecause the community was planned, and pretty much all built at once, there is a uniformity to the neighborhood with well-cared for lawns and the stately sweep of hillside streets. Pricing goes from a low of $139,900 for a condominium to a high of $699,950 for a 4 bedroom house. Being on a hill, many of the homes and condos have views of Mt. Hood and Portland. Be aware that not all homes in Mt. Park are in the Lake Oswego school district. About 25% of Mt. Park along the North side has Lake Oswego addresses but is in the attendance area for Portland Public Schools. Property values are higher for homes in the Lake Oswego school district.

The whole idea of a planned community was pretty new back in 1968. Today this sort of community is being built and duplicated all over the country. But Mt. Park was a pioneer of the genre. And it has aged well. The neighborhood is clean and well cared for, and the recreational lifestyle is great.